Amazon SageMaker Edge Manager Now Seamlessly Integrates with AWS IoT Greengrass

Naomi R. 

Simplifying deployment to fleets of edge devices is now made easier, thanks to Amazon SageMaker Edge Manager integrating with the AWS IoT Greengrass.

Amazon’s Sage Maker Edge Manager allows developers to detect and address concept drift. The technology automatically optimizes machine learning (ML) models to seamlessly deploy and manage models on a wide variety of edge devices, including industrial machines, smart cameras, and robots. 

The AWS IoT Greengrass, on the other hand, is an open-source edge runtime and cloud service that helps its users build, deploy, and manage software. Customers use AWS IoT Greengrass for their IoT applications in their homes, vehicles, businesses, and factories. Users can program their devices to do the following: 

  • act locally on the data they generate
  • execute predictions based on machine learning models
  • filter and aggregate device data
  • transmit necessary information to the cloud.

Prior to the launch, the only way to deploy the Edge Manager agent was to manually copy the Edge Manager to set up the devices and fleets for Edge Manager. For those who had an AWS IoT Greengrass device, users were required to custom build a competent from scratch prior to deploying a model package. Users also had to manually associate their AWS IoT role with the role alias generated by SageMaker Edge Manager.

With this new and seamless integration, users can now get the Edge Manager agent as an AWS Greengrass V2 component. These components are software modules, such as app building blocks or any code, that will run on an AWS IoT Greengrass device. 

Thanks to the SageMaker Edge Manager, users can now reuse existing AWS IoT role aliases. Edge Manager is also capable of creating a new role alias as part of the Edge Manager packaging job. Clients no longer need to associate a role alias generated from the SageMaker Edge Manager packaging job with an AWS IoT Role.

Amazon SageMaker Edge Manager with the integrated deployment can now be used in the following AWS regions: 

  • US East (North Virginia)
  • US East (Ohio)
  • US West (Oregon)
  • EU (Ireland and Frankfurt)
  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

The integration between these two devices allows for greater seamlessness on deployment to fleets of edge devices. We can anticipate a rollout in more regions soon as more developments are currently taking place.

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